Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Focus on Good Living

Good living for me is when i have:

1. good food plus reasonable price accompany with good people
2. new spots to dine, could be fine dining place or some hawker food.
3. fluffy bed, neat and tidy room (which i never had)
4. enough sleep.
5. do and spare more time on charity works
( i'll get my own car soon, maybe i can continue my unfinished bussiness)
6. good result, easier exam, and productive lecturer
7. a black berry or iphone.
8. at least 5 designer bags. ( hezri, take note haha)
9. the bffs ( bOoya, adah and ajah) plus the family with me
10. Hezri back to malaysia :)
and the list goes on
well, this is mine
whats yours?
gimme ten
i know people are very busy with finals and all
but still
i wanna tag u!
1. diana enkobi
2. aleisa
3. farhana hanum
4. Dayah Ipsah
5. Puteri Syurga
and YoU!

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