Salam all,
Masa cuti Thaipusam last weekend, I balik Kelantan sebab nak settle pasal kahwin. Kebetulan Kak Dila from Rukhsana Ridwan came back too to discuss pasal khemah, doorgift vip and bunga telur.
Hari Ahad, Kelantan tak cuti. My parents kerja and I seorang je kat rumah so I plan for facial dayout kat Aster Spring KBmall.
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Simple Attire |
First time kat Aster Spring, they need to know about your lifestyle and background. Kena answer a few questionaire and ada therapist akan check your skin condition. Turn out my skin agak sensitive and terdedah sangat pada matahari.
Therapist tu ada bagi info sebab I kuat minum coffee/nescafe. Sehari paling sikit mesti 1 cup. So dia cakap if I minum 1 cup, I kena minum another 8 glass of water to flush out balik caffeine tu. Kalau minum 2 cup coffee kena minum 16 glass air lah. Oh my. Kalau weekend, pagi tengahari malam semua coffee. Camne tu?
Minum coffee ni tak elok untuk kulit sebenarnya. Cepat aging nanti.
Bila dah tau condition kulit, dia suggest lah jenis facial mana yang sesuai for my skin. Now kulit I stress and kering. Jadi kena buat calming treatment dulu sebab nak treat kulit tu bagi calm and ready to receive another treatment next time. I ada tanya, kalau ada treatment yang boleh bagi kulit nampak glowing masa wedding day nanti. Therapist tu cakap, tunggu 14 days after treatment today pastu baru boleh buat.
Sebab yang glowing tu bahan dia agak kuat, dia takut nanti kulit I akan ada redness or mengelupas.
Jadi hari tu, I ambil bridal package, bayar RM1299 and dapat spa treatment value RM2000. Untung lah kan?
Everytime I datang for treatment, dia akan tolak from RM2000. Valid for setahun.
Package dia, RM800 for facial, RM500 for body treatment, RM700 for add on treatment. and you just pay RM1299!
And special for bride to be, I dapat scrub, toner, calming oil, ada age defense foundation, lipcare, diary and jewellery box yang sangat lawaaa ( I tak sempat ambil gambar) and also another rm100 voucher.
Treatment dia sangat superb! She talked to me through the process. It was 2 hours. I hampir tertidur dah. Syok sangat dia buat facial and massage my neck and head. Tak terasa macam two hours.
After facial, kulit rasa licin and soft. Biasa macam licin and tegang. Ni rasa sangat selesa. maybe sebab I da buat treatment yang sesuai for my skin kot.
After habis treatment, dia bagi minum and tanya, I nak touch up a lil bit tak? Dia boleh tolong make up kan.
Diorang memang ada provide make up kit untuk kita touch up after facial so takde laa kita balik with naked face. I suka with make up product diorang and beli satu lipstick collagen from them. Lawa color dia. will do another review about it.
No filter photo ye.
Aster Spring ada juga branch kat Suria KLCC, Paradigm Mall, OU, Bangsar Shopping Centre, Pavilion, Mid Valley, Jaya One, Bangi, Sunway Pyramid and many more.
xoxo! :)
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